Publication date: 27th February 2015
Information types: Factsheets
Policy areas: Environmental programmes FIT
This Factsheet provides an overview of the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) scheme, how to apply and where to find out more information.
This document is intended for those considering to install Solar PV and Wind installations with a Declared Net Capacity (DNC) of 50kW or less or Micro Combined Heat and Power with a Total Installed Capacity (TIC) of 2kW or less.
This document supersedes the Feed-in Tariff scheme Factsheet previously available on the Ofgem website. It intends to provide greater clarity on the basics of the FIT scheme and how to apply. This Factsheet is not intended to be a definitive technical or legal guide to the FIT scheme.
Please note as of 1 October 2015 preliminary accreditation will no longer be available to ROO-FIT installations. We will continue to process applications received prior to this date.